Upcoming Events

Find CELPIP at the following events.

Event NameDateLocationDescription 
Languages CanadaFeb 23 – 26, 2020Vancouver, BCThe Languages Canada Annual Conference is a meeting place for – public, private, French and English – and Canadian and international education partners and stakeholders to connect, share, learn, and collaborate on pertinent issues impacting Canada’s language education sector.Learn More
TESOL International Convention & English Language ExpoMar 31 – Apr 3, 2020Denver, COThe TESOL Convention offers professional development opportunities to English language educators at all levels from around the world. With 6,000 attendees and nearly 1,000 sessions, the convention has something for everyone. Learn More
BC TEAL 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE & THE IMAGE CONFERENCEApril 23 – 25, 2020Vancouver, BCBC TEAL is partnering up with the Image Conference. The theme of the conference is 20/20 Vision. The two key aims of the conference are to put media and images at the centre of the language learning agenda, and to offer guidance on using media and images critically and creatively in language teaching in the age of the Internet.Learn More
Canadian Immigrant Fair – TorontoJune 10, 2020Toronto, ON The Canadian Immigrant Fair is a free, one-stop event connecting newcomers with information and inspiration on the three pillars of immigrant success: careers, education, and settlement.Learn More
I had taken other English language proficiency before, and CELPIP was more relatable to me. All of the questions were situations I was familiar with from daily life, and were like conversations I had experienced personally.
- Chrisna D., CELPIP Test Taker
When I took CELPIP, I found it was like speaking English in real life. You speak every day with your boss and with your friends, and the CELPIP Test represents those every-day, real-life language situations.
- Rafaela B., CELPIP Test Taker
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